30 Days of Social Work Posts #realsw30

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Hi, this is Marcyline Bailey of M.L. Bailey Consultants, Inc. and REAL Social Workers Online Magazine. Today is May 1st and it is the first day of our blogging for 30 days. That’s right. We are going to post 30 blogs over the next 30 days. One blog a day. We’re going to be dealing with real issues that real social workers face on a day to day basis. While what we talk about is targeted towards social workers and those in the social services profession, you don’t have to be a social worker or in social services to enjoy what we are talking about.

We’re going to be talking about stress. That’s a real big issue in any work environment. We’re going to talk about how to relieve stress, how to manage stress, and how to use stress for your best advantage in the work environment. And to get you started, we’re going to share, in this post, some information about stress.

Not Knowing Not Stressing is a post that I wrote from and experience that I had while driving and uh dealing with an aggressive driver.

Hey, do you know your stress warning signs? It’s so important for all of us to recognize when stress is inhibiting our ability to work effectively and efficiently in the workplace. So, we want you to take a look at that post as well. It’s called Do You Know Your Stress Warning Signs?

We also want to share three ways that you can re-sync your thinking, re-sync your spirit, as well as your emotions. And the title of that post is 3 Ways to Leap into Relaxation. You can find these posts on REAL Social Workers Online Magazine, but that’s not all we’re going to be talking about over the next 30 days.

We’re also going to be talking about career development and finding your niche. Hey, everyone wants to work in an environment in which they fit, and that is so important. You want to be able to use your skills, your talents in an environment that is accepting of you in total. You also want to feel comfortable and competent, that you know exactly what to do and how to do it. So over the next 30 days we are going to be sharing some information on how you can do those things, but we’re going to get you started again right here.

First, take a look at Flexibility in Social Work Yields Opportunities. This is a post that I wrote about opportunities that social workers have to use their skills in what might be considered non-traditional social work environments.

Another post I’d like for you to look at is Social Workers Share their Top 5 Job Hunting Recommendations. I know that there are a number of recent social work graduates as well as social workers who are currently working who are looking for new work and job opportunities. This post will get you started. And again that post is entitled Social Workers Share their Top 5 Job Hunting Recommendations.

And last but not least. If you’re a social worker, you know that problem-solving is key to being successful in the social work field. So, I’d like you to look at an example of an organization that used problem-solving and collaboration to help people in New York City and this post is entitled Problem Solving in Action: Helping People and Pets Online Toolkit. You can find again, all of these posts on REAL Social Workers Online Magazine.

I hope you will join us over the next 30 days, we’re going to have a great time. I want you to join the conversation. And, you know as I was sitting here looking out my back window. I am sitting on my porch, my enclosed porch, and I am looking out the back window and the sun is starting to shine through the trees and it’s about 80 degrees where I am.

I started, I tried to think about a real cool hashtag and so if you want to join the conversation, join us at #realsw30. I know that’s not all that clever or creative, but you’ll know where to go when you want to share some of your comments. You’ll also be able to find our posts at that hashtag. Again #realsw30; and the numeral 30.

I look forward to hearing from you and I also want to invite you to join us. If you would like to be a guest blogger during our 30 days of blog posts, I want like to invite you to share your knowledge, experience and expertise. And you can actually go to a post on REAL Social Workers Online Magazine that will give you the information to do just that. I am looking for individuals to share their expertise, share their knowledge and their experience.

REAL Social Workers Online Magazine focuses on again the real issues that social workers face. We also want to be able to work in an environment again that we feel competent, comfortable, and we are recognized for our expertise and our experience.

I’m Marcyline Bailey, I look forward to hearing from you and look forward to your comments. Oh, by the way, we will also be launching our 7 day “get through the day without losing it” challenge.” Stay tuned for more information. Doesn’t that sound like a commercial? It’s not intended to be. Stay tuned for more information on our 7 day “get through the day without losing it challenge.”

Hopefully, you will find information that is helpful and you’ll feel comfortable sharing information. You can also share information on our Facebook page; the REAL Social Workers Online Magazine Facebook page and um have a conversation with us about what it is like to be a social worker and what it is like to be in this profession that is noble and growing. Once again I am Marcyline Bailey and I look forward to hearing from you.


I help social workers and other professionals to “get through the day without losing it.” I would love to hear from you. You may join the conversation by commenting on this post on our Facebook fan page REAL Social Workers Online Magazine, joining the “Social” Social Workers Project or connecting with me on LinkedIn. Learn more about HappyHalfHour.club and receive notifications about our 7 day “Get Through the Day Without Losing It” challenge.

M.L. Bailey Consultants, Inc. Copyright ©2016 Marcyline L. Bailey All Rights Reserved
Real Social Workers Online Magazine Copyright ©2016 Marcyline L. Bailey All Rights Reserved

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