I know that social workers give themselves pep talks before they go to the J-O-B. This video by EJspeaks is just for you.
She is giving herself a pep talk knowing that she does not want to go to work. A private restroom is a good place for a pep talk. You can cry, whine, or grimace without any interruption. You have to build yourself up silently in a public restroom so that people won’t think you need to be admitted under an involuntary order.
The car is also a good place to ‘’get your mind right.” Put your praise and worship music, gangster rap, country and western or whatever gets you pumped up. Turn it up real loud and sing to your heart’s content. Just ignore stares from the cars next to you. You are a social worker and you are going to work. You are doing what you need to do to get your mind and attitude right.
Check out EJSpeak’s video as she gives herself a pep talk. Have a great day and as always take good care!
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I help social workers and other professionals to “get through the day without losing it.” I would love to hear from you. You may join the conversation by commenting on this post on our Facebook fan page REAL Social Workers Online Magazine, or connecting with me on LinkedIn. Learn more about Happyhalfhour.club, created for “hardworking professionals who want to be happy.” We provide stress relieving tips and techniques to calm your mind and relax your body in 30 minutes or less.
M.L. Bailey Consultants, Inc. Copyright ©2016 Marcyline L. Bailey All Rights Reserved
This was a fun video. I have done this many times to get myself through a difficult day. another article that speaks to social workers and self care is the following: http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/051214p14.shtml Kate Jackson notes that, “Among the obstacles experts identify as standing in the way of self-care are a lack of energy, too many responsibilities, and the fear of appearing weak or vulnerable.” It takes courage to admit that you are between a rock and a hard palce and need help. And yes, sometimes you have to encourage yourself. So, don’t be ashamed and have a pep rally for yourself.