In two weeks, summer will end in the Northern Hemisphere. The official date is Tuesday September 22, 2020. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, summer ends at 9:31 AM EDT on that date. We connect the end of summer with the Labor Day holiday. The US Department of Labor provides the following historical context for Labor Day.
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength and prosperity, and well-being of our country.
As a child, who grew up in Ohio, Labor Day always meant that we were going back to school in a few days. Ironically, after moving to the south as an adult, I learned that southern schools return to school in August, a month earlier.
For many working adults, Labor Day means a day off and a long weekend. After that, what do we have to look forward to?
During the next two weeks, we can take our remaining summer to a whole new level. Use this three step activity as a guide.
Decide what you Want
Thoughtfully clarify the feelings you want to experience consistently for the next two weeks. Get specific. Describe in detail the emotions you want to experience and express. Also describe the attitude that will govern your actions and reactions. Do the same introspective work as it relates to your spirituality. Finally, determine how you want your body to feel daily. Choose one area to focus on for the until the official end of summer.
For example, choose to focus your energy and attention on your feelings mission. You may decide to focus on your attitude. Perhaps your body will take precedence. For others, your awareness may be drawn to spirituality.
Doing this activity establishes your mission for the next two weeks. All beliefs, thoughts and actions should align with your mission.
Choose your path
Once you have chosen your mission, thoughtfully plan a strategy to meet it. This step requires a multi-dimensional effort. You must believe that you have everything you need within to meet your mission. This begins with your skills, abilities, and knowledge. It also includes the belief you have regarding your own self-worth. You should also believe in the value of taking care of yourself.
Second, your thoughts must agree with your mission. If you have thoughts that do not agree or align with your desired outcome, it will derail your efforts. It will be necessary to consistently scrutinize your thought life.
Finally, every action you do or do not take will impact your ability to reach the mission you outlined. Sustainable actions are incorporated into your daily routine. Actions outside of your routine will be difficult to maintain. Consider activities that are easily fused with your usual activities.
You have decided what you want. The plan is in place. Now it is time to implement. Your plan addresses what you believe. Belief in your mission will provide encouragement for you as you move toward it. It also creates a caring and nurturing environment. Your thoughts will cultivate positive esteem towards your mission. This too, will encourage you. Finally, your targeted actions will allow you to experience progress and growth.
This process works for any goal or mission you may create. It works if you desire to experience elation as well as for joy. It also works if you want to have a more flexible body. The key to success, sustainability and satisfaction is to follow three steps. First, gain clarity by deciding what you genuinely want. Second, develop a multi-dimensional plan. Third, incorporate all aspects of your plan into your life. Finally, put it to practice.
“I want to be happy, whole, satisfied and successful. What about you?”
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