3 Benefits of Emotional Decluttering and How to Do It


Let’s be honest. Emotional clutter wastes your time and energy. It causes you to focus on thoughts, feelings and beliefs that keep you frozen and unable to move. You feel stuck in a place that hurts, cause you to feel anxious, depressed or both.

Holding onto emotional clutter is like hoarding. Useless clutter fills the room preventing enjoyment and peace. In this blog, I am sharing “3 Benefits of Emotional Decluttering and How to Do It.”

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This is the place for social workers to Relax, Empower, Advocate and Learn.

I am Marcyline Bailey, a licensed clinical social worker with close to 30 years of experience. I created “Stress Talk” to help women over 40 live healthy lives through strategic stress management and solution focused self-care.

So, why share this on a blog for social workers. According to Zippia 83.9% of licensed social workers are women. The average age of employed social workers is 44.

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Decluttering our living spaces can be hard for some. We may not know where to start. There is not enough storage space. Time is limited. Decluttering has its benefits. When it comes to emotional clutter, it is especially important for us to get rid of emotional baggage that is holding us back.

We are going to talk about the benefits of emotional decluttering. Then we will learn how to start the emotional decluttering process.

Benefits of Emotional Decluttering

Emotional decluttering is valuable when you get “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired.” It is a deliberate process that takes time. Over time we get rid of unwarranted and unnecessary thoughts and emotions that are harmful to our mental and physical health.

The process allows us to free our mind and think clearly. We acknowledge feelings, problem-solve and move away from negativity. by moving away from dwelling on negativity. Instead of focusing on negative thoughts, we begin to acknowledge our feelings and then problem-solve. De-cluttering causes us to experience more energy. Lower stress levels help us to refuel and refresh easily and often. Our relationships are healthier and more enjoyable.

Most of all, we have ongoing joy and peace regardless of what is happening around us.


Emotional decluttering can begin at any time. It is most beneficial to act before you get tired of being tired. Seek help, if needed, when you recognize you are moving towards overwhelming stress. Speak with a licensed clinician or medical professional for guidance.

You will experience success when you are committed to the process, consistently following the plan, and extending compassion to yourself and others.

Ways to begin Emotional Decluttering

First, identify the thought and feeling patterns that are comfortable for you. Do these patterns trend toward positive or negative emotions? Make notes so that you have clarity regarding how you naturally think. Next, connect these thoughts and feelings with events or situations. What event triggered the thought that contributed to how you feel? Finally, conduct a fact check. Is what you currently think or feel based in truth and reality?

Second, decide how you prefer to think and feel. This may take some introspective work. We become addicted to some feelings and avoid letting them go. Prepare to release unhealthy or unwanted emotions. Learn to embrace your true self. Your true self is represented by the characteristics and behaviors you only allow those I your immediate circle to see. It’s the person you are when no one is looking. A licensed therapist or coach can help you.

Third, develop a plan that aligns with your preferences. You now understand your thought and feeling patterns. Additionally, you have clarity regarding how you prefer to think and feel. Developing a plan that aligns with these outcomes is easy.

Use a SMART goal format to outline to create a plan to quickly reach your desired outcome. At the beginning of the year, I did a month long series sharing the benefits of a stress management plan using SMART goals.

Key to Success

The key to success is focusing on action item at a time. Commitment and consistency are key to success as well. As if most goals, you must assess progress and revamp as needed.

M.L. Bailey Consultants helps women live healthy lives through strategic stress management and solution focused self-care.

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3 Benefits of Emotional Decluttering and How to Do It

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