Why Express Gratitude?
The act of expressing and feeling gratitude affects us in many ways. Here are a few of the positive effects.
• Has a positive effect on physical health
• Has a positive effect on mental health
• Improves emotional resilience and reduces adverse reactions to stressful events
• Enriches one’s self esteem and appreciation for other’s skills and abilities
• Causes one to experience increased happiness
As a part of the Bump the Holiday Blues Challenge, you were asked to name three things for which you are grateful each morning before getting out of bed. You were also encouraged to name three things for which you are grateful prior to going to bed.
What Else Can You Do?
Here are a few more activities you can use to experience gratitude.
Write it Down
Keep a journal to document all of the things that cause you to feel grateful every day. Do this for 30 days. When you feel down, read what you have written. Hey, read it as a reminder, even if you don’t feel down.
Put a Lid On It
Get a jar or bowl and a small note pad or pad of sticky notes. Write one source of your thankful feelings on a sheet. Whenever you think of something that causes you to feel grateful, write it on a sheet. Put each sheet in your jar or bowl. Doing this regularly will cause your jar or bowl to fill rather quickly.
Plaster It On
Use the sticky note app on your computer to list reasons for feeling grateful or thankful. You can type several bullet points on one sticky note and add additional sticky notes as needed. Post them on your screen. They will be poignant reminders of the good things about your work and workplace. This activity is particularly useful when working in a stressful environment.
Do you want to join the Bump the Holiday Blues Challenge? Sign up Here
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