What to Do Before the Top of Your Desk Disappears

Many New Year’s resolutions falter before the end of the month. Two reasons account for the failure. First, most resolutions are simply statements without the strength of plans or defined actions. Secondly, clutter prevents or hinders accomplishment. During the next few weeks happyhalfhour.club encourages “hardworking professionals who want to be happy” to forget resolutions and CLEAN.

We start this week talking about clutter. Clutter drains our energy. The brain works on overload trying to decipher or categorize the information it receives as we survey the clutter. Clutter makes it harder to find what we need when we need it. Have you ever tried to pull one sheet of paper out of a stack? I have and I have had to pick up the stack after it spilled all over the floor. Also, clutter affects our ability to see with clarity. Have you ever tried to find your keys or misplaced check in a cluttered area? It takes a lot of energy trying to figure out where to look.

Clutter contributes to feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. Those who lived through the Great Depression have difficulty parting with items. Items were hard to get and they learned to stock up in case of an emergency. They also lived in an era when items were repaired until it died completely. They made due with limited resources.

Great Depression parents raised Baby Boomers who have many cluttering traits. The following thoughts may replay in a Baby Boomers head. “I may need it at some point.” “It is still in good shape.” “I can get more use out of it.” These two generations throw very little away. They save items that are no longer needed, wanted, or used.

Our CLEAN model encourages you to begin by de-cluttering the space around you. We will share how we de-clutter. Our method requires minimum effort and is completed over a period of time. For example, you may need to return to the same space several times to complete de-cluttering. You benefit by seeing and experiencing ongoing progress which feels good and encourages you to continue. Our model is not new or different. In fact many people go through this process every day.

When de-cluttering or cleaning, we sometimes try to do too much at one time. We encourage steady progress and de-cluttering in stages. Review the two infographics below to get a jumpstart.

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M.L. Bailey Consultants, Inc. Copyright ©2019 Marcyline L. Bailey All Rights Reserved

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