Value the Treasure Within

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I used to doubt myself.

That is what happens when our view of the world is slightly different than others. Their responses can influence our self-esteem. We look for validation from our world. If we don’t get it, the immediate thought is to think that something is odd about us.

You could describe me as sensitive. As a child, I seemed to see things that others didn’t see and feel things that others didn’t’ feel.

For example, a robin built her nest in the crook of one of the downspouts of our home. I watched those robins build the nest twig by twig. I remember when the female laid her eggs. The first year, the eggs were not healthy. The female through them out and my dad cleaned them up. The following year, the eggs were healthy and the robins had two baby birds.

I watched the adult birds feed and care for the babies. They shielded them from the rain and the heat of the sun. They watched over them as they grew. I was obsessed with the safety of those baby robins. Then one Sunday afternoon the babies left the nest. They fell out of the nest and hopped across our driveway to the narrow green space between our house and our neighbors.

On this Sunday afternoon, all our friends were at our house playing in the backyard with my brother and me. We were having a ball, squealing, laughing, and playing. I could not keep my eyes off those baby birds. When they started hopping away from the protection of the nest, I watched their every move. I don’t exactly remember how the situation went from zero to 100 so quickly, but I remember crying hysterically and saying that our dog Whitey was going to eat the birds.

My mother came outside and told everyone to go home. Our neighbor and her daughter came out back, too. They and my mother stood separated by our fence and discussed my “overreaction.”

My brother was mad at me because I spoiled the fun. My best friend’s sister always brings it up when we see each other. It’s been over 50 years since that happened and she still says, “we all had to go home because of you!” She also adds in a mocking voice “Whitey’s going to eat the bird… Whitey’s going to eat the bird.”

For years the memory of this event and the backlash I received has haunted me. I learned to believe that demonstrating sensitivity and compassion was not valued. As a result, I stopped showing the outside world the compassionate side of my nature. Only my true inner circle would see the true me.

I realized that if I didn’t flip my own belief and create a new one, I would not reach the people who needed this message the most. The same compassion that caused me to cry for help for those baby birds, is the same compassion that I use in my profession today.

How many of you are hiding a genuine, valuable part of yourself out of self-doubt or fear?
When we hide our true selves, we limit the influence we have on the world around us. We also limit our own growth and satisfaction.

When we live mindfully every day, we become more attuned to our true selves. We also become aware of how our reactions and interactions with the world influences our beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. This is one reason I created an experience that will legit change your life.

Once such experience is Living Mindfully Every Day

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