Happyhalfhour.club is talking about sleep for the entire month of February. The Happy People Sleep Well initiative provides strategies to help people fall asleep in 30 minutes or less. Happyhalfhour.club is a website for hardworking professionals who want to be happy. The website provides stress relief techniques that can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less.
You do not have to be a professional to enjoy Happyhalfhour.club. The information is open to anyone who wants to get through the day without losing it.
A regular bedtime routine is a main ingredient to consistently fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. The following article shares the benefit of having an established routine.
A Bedtime Routine Puts you Asleep like a Baby
I help social workers and other professionals to “get through the day without losing it.” I would love to hear from you. You may join the conversation by commenting on this post on our Facebook fan page REAL Social Workers Online Magazine, or connecting with me on LinkedIn. Learn more about Happyhalfhour.club, created for “hardworking professionals who want to be happy.” We provide stress relieving tips and techniques to calm your mind and relax your body in 30 minutes or less.
I agree that a healthy and regular bedtime routine helps. For me, I have also noticed that regular exercise helps me sleep better too. Thanks for these wonderful tips!