Top 10 Books

Here is a List of My Top 10 Most Recommended Books You may find them [...]

What Can I Expect from Therapy?

The goal of therapy is to help one address emotional and mental concerns in a [...]

Wisdom, Age and Resilience

Resilience is one’s ability to bounce back or to come back to normal after one has [...]

A Couple’s Response to Anger

Anger was pretty pervasive and somewhat contagious in our household today.  It clearly stemmed from [...]

Enduring Love and Death

We marvel when we see older couples display the enduring love that has stood the [...]

Decision Making for Everyday People

It is important to pinpoint what you really desire because this knowledge will help you [...]

Motivation is Good; Positive Habits are Better

You establish a goal and you find yourself fired up and ready to rock the [...]

There isn’t an Ill Wind that Doesn’t Change

This is one of my favorite quotes.  The woman who said this was not famous [...]

About Jillian Michaels and the Biggest Loser

Jillian Michaels is doing her job as a weight loss coach.  She jump starts their [...]