Category Archives: Featured

Are You and Your Workplace Speaking the Same Love Language

We all want to feel good when we go home after a full day of [...]

Policies and Procedures an Original Workplace Meetup

Are your Standard Operating Procedures aligned with your organization’s policies? I asked this question in [...]

Four Cs Revive Your Tired Self and Stalled Career

Tired does not adequately describe how I felt as I sat in the Philadelphia International [...]

Repairing a Broken Spirit in a Vortex of Crazy

“I was so broken that I believed pieces of my being could scatter in the [...]


Are You Too Broken to be Happy?

At one time, I felt so broken that I believed pieces of my very being [...]

Talking Sleep with Working Moms

I am talking to my peers, working moms, this week. Falling asleep can be a [...]

Working Moms – Enlist Help or Support for Me Time

One of my most enjoyable Mother’s Days happened over ten years ago. My husband decided [...]

Eleven Great Reasons to Make Sleep a Priority

I especially like the first one. The article 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep [...]

Ninety Nine, Ninety Eight, ZZZZZZZ

If you have ever had surgery or a procedure that required sedation, I am sure [...]


Join the Happy People Sleep Well 7 Day Challenge

Because we want you to fall #asleepin30 minutes or less. is launching a seven [...]