Category Archives: Finding Balance

Working Moms – Enlist Help to Destress Dinner

Dinnertime is stressful for working moms who want their children to eat right. In our [...]

Working Moms – Enlist Help or Support for Me Time

One of my most enjoyable Mother’s Days happened over ten years ago. My husband decided [...]

Slow Your Roll and Take Your Time to Stress Relief

You know how it feels when you are overwhelmed with stress. You are on edge; [...]

Ninety Nine, Ninety Eight, ZZZZZZZ

If you have ever had surgery or a procedure that required sedation, I am sure [...]


Stressed and Circling the Wagons did not Work for Me

Thirteen years ago, my husband and I were in financial ruin. We had just finished [...]

How Many Moms Does it Take to get Through the Day?

I had to answer that question honestly after years of getting my butt kicked by [...]


Working Moms Need REST – Kick the S** Out of Stress

Overwhelming stress is personal for those of us who are working women, wives, mothers, or [...]


You Will Know What I am Talking About

If you are a driven, competitive, and impatient person. You always feeling pressured by a [...]

Happy People Celebrate Everything

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to [...]

(Video) Stop Rushing and Take A Moment

Take a moment A video posted by Marcyline Bailey (@happyin30) on Oct 27, 2016 at [...]