Category Archives: Happy 1/2 Hour

Are You Too Broken to be Happy?

At one time, I felt so broken that I believed pieces of my very being [...]

On this Memorial Day Remember Reflect and Recommit

On this Memorial Day, remember the men and women who died in service to their [...]

Talking Sleep with Working Moms

I am talking to my peers, working moms, this week. Falling asleep can be a [...]

Resources for Working Moms Dealing with One Thing After Another

I have been talking to working moms and sharing practical stress relieving tips based on [...]

Working Moms – Enlist Help to Destress Dinner

Dinnertime is stressful for working moms who want their children to eat right. In our [...]

Eleven Great Reasons to Make Sleep a Priority

I especially like the first one. The article 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep [...]

Do Social Workers Have Time for Stress Relief?

Yes, social works have time for stress relief. I have been a licensed clinical social [...]


Slow Your Roll and Take Your Time to Stress Relief

You know how it feels when you are overwhelmed with stress. You are on edge; [...]

Ninety Nine, Ninety Eight, ZZZZZZZ

If you have ever had surgery or a procedure that required sedation, I am sure [...]


Stressed and Circling the Wagons did not Work for Me

Thirteen years ago, my husband and I were in financial ruin. We had just finished [...]