Category Archives: News and Support

Texting and Driving This video is pretty graphic and thought provoking demonstrating in real time the hazard [...]

Futbol and Us

> Our family has enjoyed watching the FIFA World Cup™ soccer matches.  The skill, agility, [...]

Organizations: Lower Stress – Increase Profit 

> Managing stress is an important component for a satisfying work experience.  Companies have a [...]

Five “E”asy Ways to Add Value to Your Work

> When providing service to others, it is vital to add value to one’s own [...]

Sometimes…You Need a Coach

> I found myself in that situation.  I had many ideas regarding the direction of [...]

Five Seriously Serious Attributes Mothers Need

> Vision – mothers need to have a vision for their children’s adult life.  The [...]

The Dilemma

I am watching one of the shopping shows on television.  They are offering a product [...]

Things Lost; Things Gained

It finally happened.  I misplaced my flash drive.  I use the word misplaced because it [...]


“Grrr,” I growled sounding like our younger child expressing displeasure.  Our 15 year old stated [...]

Adolescence Sucks (for Parents, too)

I knew I was in a bad place when I realized that my speech became [...]