Category Archives: Stress Relief

How Are You Going to Get Through the Holidays

Holidays and Wellbeing Taking care of one’s wellbeing is a vital part of a healthy [...]

Self-Care is Good Satisfaction is Better

My nails were beautiful and my mother was furious. I suppose she thought a 6-year-old [...]

[Video] What Happens When Mindfulness Practice Becomes a State of Mind

It started with a text and snowballed into a memorable weekend. How do you respond [...]

[Video] Transform Your Life With Mindfulness

Anger, despair, and sadness are so prevalent today. The never ending pandemic and constant negativity [...]

3 Simple Hacks that Promote Employee Wellbeing

  They Don’t Care. How often have you heard or said the same about the [...]

Well-Being Does Your Workplace Help or Hurt

I used to coordinate multimillion dollar community mental health and substance abuse services in three [...]

Don’t Give Up

When I think about why I created the Re*U Experience for Women, I realize it [...]

Do Any of These 5 Things Increase Your Stress Levels

Hi “super” woman! If only you really felt like one. Right? “Super” women want to [...]

Choose a Stress Releasing Activity that That Fits Your Introvert Personality

Replenishing energy stores is the best way to manage stress. The stress response causes us [...]

20 Simple Ways to Move More and Release Stress at Work

Physical activity is a great way to release stress and tension. Many of us are [...]