Category Archives: Stress Relief
Restful Sleep Bumps the Holiday Blues
How are you sleeping? Do you fall asleep within moments of going to bed? Do [...]
Gratitude Fake It Until You Make It
Why Express Gratitude? The act of expressing and feeling gratitude affects us in many ways. [...]
Gratitude Bumps the Holiday Blues
I Learned to be Grateful During Struggles November is the month that we are encouraged [...]
Bump the Holiday Blues
We could not say the F* word growing up. It was forbidden. No one said [...]
Get Through the Holidays Without Losing It
The holiday season is a stressful time of year. We function best when we feel [...]
Try a REST in 30 Bedtime Story
Yesterday I gave readers a chance to sample a full R.E.S.T. in 30 Adult Bedtime [...]
Find Stress Relief in One Place
This is personal for me My husband and I joke that in our 20 years [...]
What Aspect of Your Job is Most Stressful?
Social workers answer that question with “workload.” What makes having a high workload so stressful? [...]
Three Actions to Take When Your Roof Leaks
Owning a home is over rated. It takes more time, money and effort to maintain [...]
How I Use REST for Stress Relief
I have tried to complete a video explaining the R.E.S.T. System of Stress Relief and [...]