On March 6, 2015 I had the pleasure of speaking with a group of social workers at the NASW South Georgia Conference. I shared my model for finding and working within one’s professional niche. My definition of a professional niche is as follows: “being compelled, competent, and comfortable in a specified context.”
Compelled is not the same as passion. A compelled person does not have a choice. This person must perform certain skills or tasks to prevent physical, emotional or mental discomfort. A passionate person has a choice. Passion can lead to success. Compelled action leads to satisfaction and success.
Competence is defined as the “ability to achieve the expected outcome.” Competence is not measured by the number of compliments one receives. It is not measured by one’s personality. Competence is measured by one’s ability to accomplish the pre-defined goal.
An understanding of these two principals is vital for individuals who seek a satisfying work life. Finding the skills you are compelled to perform and demonstrating competence leads to promotion.
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