Daily Brain Dump Frees Your Mind

Every day at about the same time you get an urge to sit on the toilet and take a big dump. Dumping a load of crap feels good. Why do many of us hesitate to dump all of the crap we carry in our brain? At the beginning of the year, many people create resolutions. They resolve to change behaviors they view as negative. Unfortunately, 80% of all resolutions fail by the second week of February according to the U.S. News and World Reports article “Why 80% of New Year’s Resolutions Fail.”

For the past 1 ½ weeks happyhalfhour.club has encouraged you to dump resolutions and clean up and out. We know that “Hardworking professionals who want to be happy” benefit from creating space for what they desire. In order to create space we need to clean and throw away junk we no longer use. For example, we discussed getting rid of the clutter in our work space and at home.

We also need to get rid of the negative thoughts that prevent us from reaching our desired outcomes.
Albert Einstein said “the world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

The status quo of our own environment is maintained by the way we think, feel and behave. Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors also influence how we interact with, invest in and impact our environment and those in it. If we want to change our experiences, we must first change the way we think.

A brain dump to get rid of negative thoughts can be quite healthy when done in a safe place. It’s almost as good as going to the toilet and sitting a while with your favorite magazine or book. Here are three ways to dump the crap.


Share your negative thoughts with a safe person in a safe place. Choose to talk to a close friend or relative who listens more than they talk.


Keep a journal to write down your negative thoughts for safe keeping. You don’t have to keep that garbage in your head to play over like a broken record. Write it down and let it go.


You may need the guidance of a trained professional for help with negative thoughts that are pervasive and intrusive. Choose a licensed clinical therapist, pastor, priest or rabbi.

De-cluttering the brain takes time. Once done, it can increase, peace, confidence and perseverance.
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