Excerpt from Stress is Personal: Your Personal Starter Guide to Stress Relief
Elated or Excited – this is the feeling that we experience when that guy or girl finally calls or asks us to go on a date. It is the feeling we experience when we get the acceptance letter to the college or university of our choice. We feel these or similar emotions when we receive information that we perceive to be beneficial.
Your personal interactions and expectations also initiate a stress response. Imagine that you receive a marriage proposal from the person of your dreams. The two of you complement each other wonderfully. The proposal was somewhat of a surprise and you felt extreme joy and excitement.
Although these situations were exciting causing you to feel joy, they also initiated a physical response. Physically you might feel butterflies in your stomach, dizziness, shakiness or trembling in your arms or legs. You may feel warm all over or just in your neck and head area. Your heart rate increases and your heart pumps harder and faster. Your blood pressure increases causing warmth. Your muscles tense and tighten causing the shakiness. You are not afraid, you are ecstatic.
We equate stress with the experience of being overwhelmed. The stress response, however, occurs in response to a stimulus. In the above excerpt, the stimuli represented events that are considered pleasurable. The body reacts with little regard to emotion.
This excerpt was taken from Stress is Personal: Your Personal Starter Guide to Stress Relief. The 34 page Starter Guide is personal to me. I have shared my story of dealing with overwhelming stress. I have also shared personal ways in which I and others have learned to relieve stress.
Stress is Personal: Your Personal Starter Guide to Stress Relief is available as a free pdf download. Click this link to get your free download. You may also order the print version through MagCloud Publishing.
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