No, I am not talking about the male or female who got on your last nerve the other day. I am talking about four key components that positively or negatively affect an organization’s financial status.
Our teenaged daughter references vibe when a good time is interrupted. Her phase is “wow, you are killing out vibe.” Organizations have a good vibe too. It is when the environment, the staff, and the processes are all working in synch to create a product or service that satisfy customers’ needs. The company vibe is what retains customers and attracts new. Vibe is the jazz version of mojo. Ray Charles sang about getting his “mojo” working. Vibe in the workplace is the fluid intermingling of stability, innovation, high standards and genuine sincerity at every level.
Organizations that have good vibe demonstrate its vision and mission throughout the organization.
An organizations vibe is easily killed by four key components. They are as follows.
Bosses – supervisors or administrators who are key to the functioning of the organization. An uninterested administrator takes little time to understand the product or service. He may demonstrate a lack of concern for the personal or professional concerns of the employees in his chain of command. This type of administrator will do as little as possible to advance the goals of the organization. He will be a poor mentor for staff members who desire to gain experience or develop skills.
Organizations that hire unprepared individuals for supervisory roles set the individual, the staff and the department up for failure. Organizations sometime hire individuals who lack the necessary skills to effectively supervise a department or staff. This contributes to staff dissatisfaction, poor workmanship, and decrease in productivity.
Unsupportive supervisors demonstrate little empathy for the staff’s personal or professional concerns. This type of supervisor contributes to a lack of loyalty towards the organization. Upper management rarely recognizes the lack of support because lack of support is difficult to measure.
Some are unaware of what is occurring in their area of supervision. They are also unaware of industry trends, news and the latest research. They just don’t know and what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Organizations stay on top when they are innovative and have the ability to make changes that benefit the organization. A supervisor who is unaware will promote the status quo.
Burnout – Burnout is demonstrated by high levels of stress and anxiety. An individual who experiences burnout is irritable, short tempered, anxious, and stressed. Mistakes may increase due to a lack of concentration and ability to focus. They are exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. Burnout contributes to productivity losses. Workers call in sick or take off because they cannot manage their response to the environment and the work.
Burnout increases the pressure on other staff members who must cover for their colleague. In addition to carrying a heavier work load, this may also increase negative feelings and tension among colleagues. Organizations that have a high burnout rate also have a high turnover rate.
Boredom – Boredom is rarely talked about in organizations. Professionals need and desire intellectual stimulation. They have trained to think, reason and problem solve, but sometimes systems fail to encourage the free exchange of ideas. Change in these organizations happen very slowly, so slowly in fact that change does not occur at all.
Slow or no change results in repetitious, assembly line functions that are carried out without relevance or connection to the current needs. Individuals have little enthusiasm for the work because it offers no variation or excitement. The boredom shows on their faces. Boredom contributes to wasted resources such as time, skills, etc. Could also contribute to being disengaged with the work.
Blending – We spend 1/3 or more of the day at work. We develop relationships that are vital to our social functioning. Poor staff relations cause great drama and create an environment with little trust and loyalty. Backstabbing, throwing colleagues under the bus, or hanging colleagues out to dry cause dissention and hurts the organization’s operations. Teamwork and comradery contribute to a well-run organization.
Astute supervisors and administrators recognize problems caused by inadequate work relationships and take steps to create an environment that acknowledges the concerns and seeks to rectify them.
What are some of the issues that have killed the vibe in your workplace and how have those issues been addressed? Share some of your stories on the REAL Social Workers Online Magazine Facebook page.
I help social workers and other professionals to “get through the day without losing it.” I would love to hear from you. You may join the conversation by commenting on this post on our Facebook fan page REAL Social Workers Online Magazine, joining the “Social” Social Workers Project or connecting with me on LinkedIn. Learn more about and receive notifications about our 7 day “Get Through the Day Without Losing It” challenge.
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