I became aware that a link in several of my blog posts was not working. Please accept my apologies for the technical error. I have corrected the links and invite you to re-read the posts if you like. Also, here is the correct link to the Side Hustle Social Worker Webinar Series.
This webinar series was created by a social worker for social workers who work full-time and want to boost their social work income with a second job or part-time gig. The webinars share strategies social workers can use to create sustainable, successful and satisfying side hustles. The process encourages an entrepreneurial approach to side hustles. It also encourages thoughtful incorporation of family, lifestyle and meaningful outcomes.
Social workers learn smart questions they need to ask themselves before taking on a second job. They also learn smart choices that allow them to fully use their social work skills and experience. Finally, they learn how to create side hustles that enables them to demonstrate competence through compelling work in an environment that allows them to thrive.
The corrected link is in the previous posts and also in this post as well. Take good care!
Marcyline Bailey, ACSW, LCSW is the author of Five Smart Questions Social Workers Should Ask if They Want to Boost Their Social Work Income e-book Starter Guide and Planner. These free downloads contain five strategic questions to consider before taking on a side hustle. You may also want to view Side Hustle Success as a Full Time Social Worker one of the webinars in the Side Hustle Social Worker Webinar Series.
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