Tag Archives: mlbaileyconsultants
Value the Treasure Within
I used to doubt myself. That is what happens when our view of the world [...]
[audio] Self-Care Starts with Self-Compassion
Press play to listen to Self-Care Starts with Self-Compassion Transcript: An attorney once told me [...]
[audio] Self-Compassion a Good Way to Start the New Year
A few thoughts to start the new year as we focus on Living Mindfully Every [...]
Evolving with Mindfulness in a Changing World
1905 – 2005 My grandmother was born in 1905. She lived 102 years before her [...]
Managing Life in a Changing World
1905 – 2005 My grandmother was born in 1905. She lived 102 years before [...]
Are You Looking for the Best Gift Ever?
Tom and Jerry One of the best Christmas presents I ever got was a Tom [...]
Tamara Dopwell Social Entrepreneur Shares Her Personal Stress Hacks
Taking care of one’s wellbeing is a vital part of a healthy life. Many strive [...]
How Are You Going to Get Through the Holidays
Holidays and Wellbeing Taking care of one’s wellbeing is a vital part of a healthy [...]
[Video] What Happens When Mindfulness Practice Becomes a State of Mind
It started with a text and snowballed into a memorable weekend. How do you respond [...]