Tag Archives: socialwork

Making Connections in the Era of Social Distancing

How are you doing? That question carries much more meaning than it once did. The [...]

Mental Health Practitioners Providing COVID – 19 Support

People are losing their ability to support their livelihoods. The Washington Post reported the staggering [...]

Sleeplessness in the Era of Coronavirus

We adopted our puppy one year ago. She is a mixed breed. Her mother is [...]

It Takes Courage Confidence and Commitment

On Wednesday February 19, 2020 I returned to my high school to address Middle and [...]

Hey Dave Ramsey and I Agree on This

What will your last day of work look or feel like? Imagine walking out the [...]

Is Your New Year Meeting Your Expectations

Ten years ago Our daughters begged us to let them stay up to watch the [...]

A Strategic Way to Accelerate Retirement Income

I read the CNBC article Most Americans think $1 million will be enough for a [...]

Making Mindful Choices during the Holidays

TRANSCRIPT: Good Morning, I’m Marcyline Bailey of For Real Social Workers Online Magazine and you [...]