Tag Archives: stress relief

Caffeine Keeping You up at Night?

Yes, because you are probably drinking or eating too much! You have had trouble sleeping. [...]


Too Hot, Too Cold, Can’t Sleep? Get it Just Right!

Happyhalfhour.club is talking about sleep the entire month of February. We believe that Happy People [...]

I am Tired and Still Cannot Not Sleep

I woke up at 2:05 AM and could not go back to sleep. Actually, I [...]

A Bedtime Routine Puts You Asleep Like a Baby

Dinner. Check. Bath. Check. Story Time. Check. Prayers. Check. Song. Check. Lights out. Check. Goodnight. [...]


(Video) You Know You Need This with EJ Speaks

Working women are so accustomed to holding everything together. We manage our home life, making [...]


(Your Morning Moment #6) It is a Good Day to Play and Enjoy

A good day to be silly. Playfulness boosts your mood and makes you happy. Share [...]

I Would Fall Asleep but I am too Busy Counting Sheep

“But [Pooh] couldn’t sleep. The more he tried to sleep the more he couldn’t. He [...]

(Your Morning Moment #5) Guided Relaxation and Sleep

Guided relaxation best sleep aid #happyin30 #happiness #happy #sleep #workingmom www.happyhalfhour.club A video posted by [...]

(Your Morning Moment #4) Bring Sunshine to a Dreary Day

You don't have to feel dreary because the weather is dreary #happyin30 #happy #happiness www.happyhalfhour.club [...]

(Video) Celebrating does not have to end after New Years

Happy New Year! We are celebrating all month because happy people celebrate. Follow us on [...]