Tag Archives: stress relief

(Morning Moment #1) Savor the Day

Savor the day A video posted by Marcyline Bailey (@happyin30) on Sep 29, 2016 at [...]

About the Election and Crisis

“We define crisis as a state of “significant distress” following a critical incident. For many, [...]


(Morning Moment) Drink your Water

Drink water #happyin30 #happy #relaxing #relaxation #relax #drinkwater A video posted by Marcyline Bailey (@happyin30) [...]

(Video) Stop Rushing and Take A Moment

Take a moment A video posted by Marcyline Bailey (@happyin30) on Oct 27, 2016 at [...]


(Video) For Social Workers Needing a Pep Talk

I know that social workers give themselves pep talks before they go to the J-O-B. [...]


(Video) Living like there is no Tomorrow

Happiness is a mindset choice that we can make in spite of our circumstances. We [...]

A Social Work Colleague Shares Stress Relief Tips

What do you do to relieve work related stress? This is a question that Deborah [...]


(Video) Relieve Work Related Stress with 4Star Fitness

Physical exercise is an excellent way to relieve tension in the body. When we are [...]

A Social Worker Takes a Time Out

I allowed my brain to take a time out this summer. That does not mean [...]

Yes Thinking Differently Can Reduce Stress

Crap! That is what I thought when my husband told me that our county was [...]